Steam 2.0 by Ali Nouira

Steam 2.0 by Ali Nouira

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.  How true is that in life, especially when you are a mentalist using an impression device.  There have been so many devices on the market, it is mind numbing, and each one has its benefits and drawbacks. One may use a special pen or marker, another uses an unreliable material, or the procedure seems unmotivated.  No matter which one you choose, though, there are obstacles which have to be overcome. In almost every device the primary obstacle is how do you naturally look at the impression without raising suspicion?  Without going into the moves needed to obtain the peek, for the most part, it is done on the off beat because one needs reopen the device to obtain the information.  For the faint of heart like myself, the peek is the Achilles heel of the trick.  Along comes STEAM 2.0 by Ali Nouira and produced by Paul Harris.  For me, Steam 2.0 is the ultimate impression system.  The workings behind this is not new but the way it is packaged made it a much more viable product.  With Steam 2.0, a small envelope is produced in which there is a blank card. The spectator is asked to write something on the card and place it face down on the table.  You cover the card with the envelope “to make sure” that nothing is visible.  Feigning looking for something to write on, you pick up the white envelope you just placed over the card for convenience sake.  The information you need is now in your hand, naturally without any bizarre moves.  The system is absolutely amazing.  There are other benefits as well.  If you are pocket phobic like myself and hate walking around like a magic bandito armed to the teeth with magic tricks, the envelopes fit nicely in any credit card sized slot in your wallet.  All you need to carry additional to that is the marker required to write with.  Steam 2.0 works like a charm, in fact, it made quite an impression on me (pun intended).

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